Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Typical Jobs - The Mundane is Better Than Nothing

By : Tony Jacowski

When people are young and they begin planning their futures, very few people have the desire to work mundane jobs that don't pay very well. The ones that do work these jobs are usually people who end up getting stuck in these positions because of circumstances that don't allow them to pursue their career dreams. It's no surprise that very few, if any, actually make a conscious decision to work in fast food, retail sales, or factory positions for their entire lives. However, when there are no other options, having one of these jobs can be better than not having a job at all.

Many people work very hard to achieve their career goals, and are making good money in jobs that they love because of it. After all, very few people really enjoy working every single day, so being able to work in a position that you can actually enjoy is always helpful in making the adult working life a little less stressful. In the current economy, people who already have jobs that they love are not able to depend on them as much as they once could. Job security is now a foreign word to many who used to have peace of mind in their careers. For those who are just entering the career world after college or other training, having that ideal career might not even be an option, because there are very few places that are actually hiring.

College job fairs have gone from being the place to connect with your next step in life to a networking tool that allows you to make contacts with a bunch of different companies that aren't actually hiring, but will be happy to take your information. You can't very well put your entire life on hold until the economy picks up and companies start hiring again, so what are you to do? You're left to find a job wherever you can and settle for getting a paycheck from anyone instead of having a job that you love. If you can't have the job of your dreams, why not make the best of the job that you have?

It's a lot easier said than done, especially for those who have years of education, training, or experience in an industry that they enjoy and end up working at a restaurant or a gas station just to get by. However, enjoying the simple things in life is a surefire way for you to make the most of your job, no matter how mundane or un-dreamlike it might be. It is definitely an experience that you will appreciate and that will make you appreciate the choices that you made down the road. Never stop dreaming of a career that you love, but make the best of the mundane when you have no other options.

Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia

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