Monday, July 12, 2010

How motivation can contribute to your personal development

By : Tedy Onulak

Though it maybe painfully obvious, it still needs to be said; without motivation there is no personal development. Personal development must follow motivation, just as a dream must be followed by a plan to attain it.

Since motivation is the conscious decision to take or sustain action, it is paramount to identify your goals or desired result. This is really not so simple. Things that seem to go hand in hand, like wealth and fame are quite different. There are many rich individuals who are not famous and visa versa. Just choosing the goal of being rich and famous may be in itself too vague to attain.

Thus comes the need for personal development. Personal development may be defined as acquiring the skill set to enable you to achieve your goals.

There is a great cultural myth in the modern world perpetuated by the great success stories of the Industrial Age of self-made men like Henry Ford and Andrew Carnagie. There is a popular adage that You can be anything that you want to be. This positivist attitude is great for encouraging children to reach for the stars and discover new horizons, but one must choose his or her goals according to their talents and abilities.

You are not going to be an NBA center if you don't have the prerequisite height, a concert cellist if you are tone deaf or an airline pilot without perfect vision. There is nothing wrong with dreaming these dreams and playing basketball, cello or learning all about flight, in fact, if your goal is to learn about and try everything, then go for it! But motivation can really falter when faced by insurmountable odds.

Start by choosing a goal and identifying what it is going to take to achieve it. Take stock of your talents and abilities, and then research the field you want to be a part of. This can be done by reading all you can on the subject and biographies about the people that have gone before you in that field. The best way of all is to meet professionals and get to know on a first-hand basis what it takes to work in their field. This is not always easy, but if the opportunity arises, it will be invaluable.

Go for the best training and tools that you possibly can. Education and training alone might not get you anything by themselves, but a consummate master knows an astounding number of details about his or her craft.

Good tools are a key to staying motivated. Of course, a beginner should not invest in the most expensive items that money can buy, but as your skill level increases, better Equipment, instruments or technology is essential to progress further. You will know if an upgrade is needed when you begin to get frustrated by your current situation. Then go to a place where they have better equipment and try it out. This will cost you nothing and it is possible to go back several times to learn more and make sure of what you need.

Learning is not necessarily a constant upward slope. On the contrary, it can consist of several plateaus that may have you stuck on occasion. Motivation should be that constant inner flame that will sustain you through these times. Though patience is key, try any number of strategies to take you to the next level.

If someday you do achieve your goals, many professionals will say that it is much harder to stay on top than getting there. Motivation should be your compass and constant companion in life to achieve the things that you may not even had the courage to dream of yet. It can be said that there are only two directions in life, forwards and backwards. Staying at the same level just doesn't happen. The moment you stop progressing you will begin to fall backwards. Motivation is the fuel that will keep you moving towards that distant star and beyond.

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