By : Tom Lennox
So you are done with that nerve-racking job interview. Now is the time to sit back and wait for the phone to ring with a job offer right? Yup, that's right if you want to have a lower chance of landing your dream job.
Sitting back and waiting for the call is one of the worst things to do if you really want that job. The wise thing to do is to "follow up" on your job interview. Essentially, a follow up means contacting your prospective employer after your interview to inquire on whether you got the job or not.
Now before we continue let me point out some important things regarding follow ups. Often people will not follow up because they feel embarrassed to follow up on a job interview. Also many think they will be annoying to the employer or they will seem like they are begging for the job. Despite these assumptions, following up on your job interview has the contrary effect. It proves to employers that you really want the job. Employers believe that candidates who follow up will have dedication and other positive traits. Moreover, Employers do not see a follow up as begging or annoying (unless you try to follow up every day).
There are three methods to effectively follow up on a job interview. Utilize these methods approximately a week and a half after your interview or a day after your employer said they will have come to a decision.
Email is the most informal and impersonal method of following up on a job interview. It should only be used if you are unable to call the employer or see them face to face. Email does not allow the employer to see you or hear your voice - thus the employer is less likely to see you as a viable candidate that truly wants the job.
Telephone calls:
Phone calls are the most common way to follow up on a job interview. Employers also generally expect this type of follow up. Remember to be polite and concise when inquiring about the status of the position you are applying for.
Here is an example of what to say, "Hi, this is Tom Lennox. I came in for an interview on May 15th. I was just calling in to inquire upon the status of the job opening for which I applied."
Make sure to speak slowly and clearly when following up after an interview. It will be embarrassing and unprofessional to have to repeat yourself.
Face to Face Follow Up:
This is the most personal way to follow up after a job interview. Also it scores the best impression with an employer because your physical presence reminds the employer of your positive attributes of your interview. When seeing the employer, ensure to reintroduce yourself, shake hands, and essentially say the same thing as for a telephone follow-up.
When following up on a job interview remember to be polite and confident. Essentially, use the same type of job interview formalities and etiquette when going in for a follow up.
Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia
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