Monday, August 30, 2010

5 Ways to Use Praise and Recognition to Skyrocket Your Business

By : Nan McAdam

Everyone has a reason for working. Whether it is a traditional job or an entrepreneurial career choice. One obvious reason for earning money is to bring it into the household to purchase goods, services, savings for "rainy days" or retirement. Another reason for working is to pay off our debts. Like the bumper sticker says, "I owe, I owe, so off to work I go."

While those may be compelling reasons, there is another one most people don't think about or talk about. It is the secret reason some people find their job satisfying and enjoyable. What is that reason? It is praise and recognition.

I have had people tell me that they don't work for praise and recognition. They say it isn't important to them. If they are being truthful, they are not the norm. The majority of people have an increased sense of well being in a job or career when their accomplishments are sincerely praised and they are recognized for those achievements.

If you are a leader of a team and want to increase productivity by using praise and recognition, here are 5 things you can do:

1. Identify the behavior that brings the results you want. When the successful behavior is recognized with praise, it makes that person want to do the thing again to earn more praise. Not only will that person want to duplicate that behavior, but the team mates around them will, also, want to do what it takes to receive praise and recognition.

2. Always look for reasons to praise. Effective praise is spontaneous. Look for genuine reasons to praise. I, personally, don't believe sincere praise can be overdone. I don't believe that you can love and appreciate your team members too much. Praise can be in the form of using their name in a speech or a smile with the words "well done" attached.

3. Think of it as being a good will ambassador, always saying something nice about someone. Sometimes, is may be tough to find something good about someone. But, keep looking. Everyone has something nice about them, worthy of praise and recognition. It is worth the effort when you do.

4. Above all, it should appear natural. At first it will take conscious effort to find those good things and praise them. But, with practice, it will begin to flow naturally. It won't seem phony or contrived.

5. An effective way to praise and recognize is to send short written notes. Those short notes are usually kept and can be read over and over. Better yet, send a short note of praise to their home to their spouse or loved ones. When you make them look like a hero in the eyes of the people they love, wow, what a powerful recognition.

Praise and recognition, used correctly, can increase productivity, help everyone reach their goals and increase the positive feelings of your team members. With all that juice, doesn't it make sense to get really good at it?

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