Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Let Your Favorite Color Guide Your Career

By : Dewey Sadka

In today's challenging economy, you have more career opportunities than you might think. Modernize your dream career into a higher paying, more job opening niche or related occupation. Don't be afraid to get nosey and take the time to look around or invest in developing a specialized skill inside your chosen field. Use every opportunity to network and promote yourself.

· Everywhere you go, ask questions like, "What do you do during your workday?" "What's fun, not fun?" "Any opening in your company?"

· Be a temp. Ask for short tem assignments so you can taste different jobs and learn about opportunities.

· Join career specific organizations and get your friends on board.

Dreams come true with niche-specific educational training or on-the-job experience. Looking for the perfect niche? Consider the scientifically valid Dewey Color System test that measures career satisfaction at record-breaking accuracy. It lists the top 50 careers suited for you, plus hundreds of related occupations, niches and career specific organizations. To provide accurate and thorough results, data was obtained from 750,000 CareerBuilder online users.

In order to take the test, you first have to choose the color you like most from yellow, blue and red. Then choose which color you like most from green, purple and orange. Remember your choices and see what your selected combination says about your career prospects:


If you selected yellow and green: Your ability to understand others' viewpoints and diplomatically express your thoughts increases efficiency. You know how to make products, systems, and services best fit the environment.
Make more money by seeking careers where you can assemble support structures or make living situations more comfortable. Consider niches as in landscape architecture or real estate sales, or consider a career as a counselor, designer or social worker.

If you selected yellow and purple: You prefer fast-growing companies with non-repetitive jobs that offer a constant barrage of fresh perspectives and non-stop new tasks. Your ability to communicate with finesse breaks down barriers and opens profitable doors. Make more money by developing and communicating strategies for project-oriented settings that involve constant change. Consider niches as a public relations representative, corporate communications manager, youth counselor or radio/TV announcer.

If you selected yellow and orange: You know about the newest available resources, pertinent facts, or innovative ways to solve workday pressures. Your open-minded yet analytical approach creates must-do activities and programs. Make more money by inventing new ways to market your business, better utilizing resources and talents, or making what you do more efficient. Consider niches as a statistician, geologist, researcher, librarian or product developer.


If you selected blue and green: You are at your best when you can anchor others with supportive suggestions. Your personable listening skills make you a success with colleagues, customers or clients who trust you with even their most crucial decisions. Make more money by seeking environments that give you the opportunity to manage people, information or workplace environments. Consider niches as a writer, actor, accountant, psychologist or departmental manager.

If you selected blue and purple: Use your big-picture thinking to develop new markets, new ideas and new businesses. You can see what's missing and know how to get things done. Make more money by working in environments where you can organize, develop and bring situations, people or markets together. Consider niches in advertising and sales or as a public relations representative, trial lawyer or research scientist.


If you choose blue and orange: You're a natural both at developing new products or procedures and delegating tasks. You prefer a busy environment because you enjoy learning. Pressure stimulates you. Make more money in careers where you can gauge productivity, analyze efficiency, and oversee or implement change. Consider niches as an operations manager, civil engineer, builder or product salesperson.

If you selected red and green: You know value and how to best use resources to make money. Your practical guidance keeps others focused on the bottom line and expenditures under budget. Make more money in positions where you decide how to best utilized resources or spend money. Consider Niches as a securities manager, auditor, banker, teacher, property manager, nurse or surgeon.

If you selected red and purple: When others speak, you sort out the facts from the emotions and establish a step-by-step action plan. You know how to calm those around you and offer quick solutions. Make more money by selecting work environments where you're in control of all necessary resources and can offer win-win suggestions. Consider niches as a human resources interviewer/manager, event planner, editor or executive assistant.

If you selected red and orange: You use facts compiled from past mistakes and successes to deliver strong opinions that are hard to refute. Others learn invaluable information from your critiques about the efficiency of a project. Make more money in areas where you can sail your own ship by constantly examining, in detail, what needs to be done and express your opinion when things go off course. Consider niches as a budget analyst, computer support specialist, production manager, manufacturing manager or business owner.

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Right Approaches To Medical Interviews

By : Jon Caldwell

In interviewing your patient, take note of the following problems in communication and try your best to provide solutions to them:

1. The interview situation is complicated and dynamic. Keep in mind that you have to listen well to your patient and not impose your thoughts upon the conversation.

2. There is a variety of personality types that a doctor or a patient can assume. Try your best to deal with these types and communicate using their preferred way of communication.

3. The patient's situation is complex and it could not be simplified right away. Patients might even be reluctant to discuss it, however encourage the patient to discuss it further.

4. Know the risks involved and let your patients know. They have a right to understand the potential dangers of your procedures and choose other options if possible.

Encourage your patients to get involved. Ask for feedback. Let them tell you their insights, concerns and plans. Try to know what they know and correct any misinformation that they may have. There is a great chance that they will have heard Mr. John Doe say that this kind of treatment causes certain death that's why they shouldn't be taking that, or read in the paper that pill x causes dizziness and pimples when taken regularly. Also, they may tell you that this procedure costs too much and they will take this cheaper yet irrelevant procedure instead. Neutralize these fallacious beliefs and assure them that they are in good hands.

In talking with your patients, you will be imparting information that will be very important to the state of their wellbeing. Because of this, you must be careful in the way you express your statements. Here are some guidelines:

Patients tend to forget 2/3 of what they hear and more so if they're under stress or pain. Confirm if the patient heard and understood what was said. Keep your words simple: simplify, categorize, prioritize, repeat yourself and let them repeat what you have said. You could make it even easier for them by setting ideas in a familiar context, making them more accessible and linking these with a person, image or metaphor.

In a medical interview, you would be judged according to the way you dress and the way you behave, but most importantly, by the way you answer the questions. Here are some topics that will likely be discussed:

Academic record: This includes grades, courses and anything which may catch their attention. If you have a failing grade, prove that you have compensated. If you have a research, prepare to defend it.

Extracurricular activities: Talk about your interests and their applications to the medical field

Motivations: Why did you choose a medical career? Give specific experiences and relevant skills.

Current issues in health care: Demonstrate your awareness, logic and sensitivity. Read on a variety of topics including ethics, culture and society.

Send your CV to as many agencies as you can. Just pick out the ones that will contact you first before passing out your details to companies. If you send it to more agencies, you will increase your chances of knowing a good job offer. Just do not tell the agency that you are sending your CV to others. Their goal is to try to persuade you to just register with them alone. If they will be able to do that, they will be willing to invest more time with you.

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Career Opportunities In Banking And Finance

By : Paul Hata

Your decision to have a finance career can be a start of something big for you. According to latest employment and business trends, the growth of the world economy plus the increasing number of people retiring in the next decade will create a demand for finance professionals.

Commercial banking means having an opportunity to work in the areas of financial management, accountancy and auditing, securities, commodities and financial services sales. There's also an opportunity to work in the area of financial and credit analysis since commercial banks are there to provide banking services to individuals as well as small and large businesses and organizations.

People who work in banking and finance are paid well for the work that they do. Four of the fields that many professionals get into include accountancy and tax, Insurance, investment banking and retail banking. Let's talk about each of these.

For people to work in accountancy and tax, you need to graduate and get your CPA or certified public accountancy license. To learn more about what you will be doing, many have to complete an on the job training with a legitimate accountancy firm.

The training period is about three years and afterwards, you can continue on staying with them, working for another firm or going into private practice.

Insurers just like accountants need to be licensed. This varies from state to state so you have to study and then pass the exam. Once you do so, your career may get you to sell property or casually insurance and life or health insurance.

You should also take further classes in the future because although you have your license already, rules change and you have to be aware of them.

Perhaps the biggest challenge selling insurance is deciding whether to work for an insurance company or doing this on your own. There are advantages and disadvantages doing both. When you are employed, you get a basic salary while those who decide to work for themselves can only make money earning commissions when a sale is made. How well you do is entirely up to you.

Investment banking is different from regular banking because you are there to raise capital for a company by issuing shares or bonds. Later on, you may even work with a team that advises companies regarding mergers and acquisitions.

Also under investment banking is capital markets. Here, the professional is tasked with trading bonds stocks and other financial products to increase the portfolio of the client.

But before you get into that, most entry levels personnel start out doing research first about certain companies and who are their competitors. Their information is then passed on to the account managers who will then advice the client.

Lastly is retail banking which many of us are aware of because these are the people we meet in the bank from the teller to the bank manager when we need to deposit or withdraw cash and apply for a loan.

Unlike accountancy or insurance, you don't need to get a license to do this kind of work. You just have to be customer oriented with strong interpersonal and communication skills since you will be dealing with people.

Tax and accountancy, insurance, investment banking and retail banking are the four basic types of jobs for anyone that wants to pursue a banking and finance career after graduation from college. Career progression in any of them is excellent and this can only happen with additional training and at times a license.

This can be achieved by part time study so all you have to do now is weigh your options and then go for it.

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Home Business Tips How Do You Find The Opportunities That Produce The Biggest Dividends

By : Fabian Tan

There are so many home business opportunities available that it is hard to decide which one you should invest your time and effort in. The great thing is not only the selection of jobs you can choose from but also the fact that most work at home jobs do not require any special skills or training. Additionally, most at home businesses can be started without having to invest large sums of money.

The best way to capitalize on home business opportunities is to find something that you truly have a passion for; something that you would be enthusiastic about doing for the long term. Something that you know you will have fun with. The majority of home businesses that do fail; fail because the owner is not dedicated or loses their passion for their business.

This is because most people will simply try to the find the best work from home job that pays the most, and don't concern themselves with finding something that they will actually enjoy. If you do not enjoy your home business it will show in your work. Additionally, you will begin to avoid working all together and your business will fail.

There is no denying the money making potential of home business opportunities. But in order to get your piece of the pie and to continue getting it year after year, you need find a field of work that truly interests you. If you enjoy what you are doing and believe in your products and services, your business will truly soar. However, if you don't care about your work and what you have to offer, your company will surely fail in little time.

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Lima Tips Untuk Menjadikan Anda People-Oriented-Manager

By : Freddway.com

Tipe Manager seperti apakah Anda? Apakah Anda tipe “Result-Oriented” yang hanya mau tahu hasil akhir saja ( tipe pemimpin yang “mau tau beres aja” ), tanpa mau terlibat dalam proses pengerjaannya? Atau Anda tipe Manager ingin melihat anak buah berhasil? Apakah Anda tipe Manager yang secara tulus senang melihat ketrampilan dan prestasi anak buah meningkat? Atau sebaliknya atau tipe yang “senang buaanget” kalau melihat anak buah gagal & tidak mampu melakukan tugasnya, dan kemudian Anda tampil seperti “Rambo” yang mampu menyelesaikan segala-galanya sendiri? ( Seolah-olah, hanya Andalah yang mampu, yang lain “payah” )

Mengapa didalam dunia kerja yang nyata banyak Manager yang senang orang lain “kelihatan bodoh” didalam menjalankan tugasnya? Mengapa banyak pemimpin yang tidak mau melatih anak buah supaya terampil kerjakan tugasnya? Mengapa banyak Manager yang lebih “rela” melihat anak buahnya “payah”, ketimbang harus melatih anak buah? Jawabnya hanya satu yaitu banyak pemimpin tingkat Supervisor & Manager yang memiliki paradigma peninggalan jaman feodal “Kalau anak buah saya pintar, nanti posisi saya terancam. Jadi lebih baik saya biarkan “bodoh” saja”

Paradigma salah seperti ini banyak berlaku didalam dunia kerja nyata. Dan akibatnya, perusahaan hanya memiliki beberapa “Jenderal” ( Manager ) yang pandai, tetapi mempunyai banyak prajurit ( level staff ) yang kurang trampil. Kondisi seperti ini, diibaratkan perusahaan sedang memelihara “BOM WAKTU”, apabila suatu saat Manager ybs keluar dari perusahaan, yang ditinggal adalah armada karyawan yang kurang terampila dengan produktivitas rendah.
Bagaimana caranya membuat Anda menjadi Manager yang “People-Oriented”? Manager yang peduli dengan “manusia”, yang lebih manusiawi, yang lebih mementingkan kemajuan prestasi setiap individu dibawahnya, yang lebih menaruh perhatian terhadap pengembangan SDM, dan yang lebih menaruh perhatian pada kesuksesan anak buah ( dalam kerjakan tugasnya )?

Beberapa tips praktis menjadikan Anda People-Oriented-Manager :

1) Beritahu anggota team Anda, bahwa Anda dan mereka , saling membutuhkan, dan setiap anggota team adalah penting buat Anda

Keinginan manusia yang paling besar adalah kebutuhan untuk ”diakui dan dibutuhkan” oleh orang lain.

Tips Untuk Melakukannya:
- Kumpulkan team Anda, dan katakan secara eksplisit hal tersebut
- Lakukan secara regular (misalnya 1 bulan 1 kali ) untuk mengingatkan hal tersebut
- Tunjukan dalam action Anda, bahwa Anda memang serius dengan perkataan Anda, caranya, misalnya sering-sering memancing ide-ide atau usulan dari team Anda tentang cara-cara melakukan suatu penugasan. Walaupun sebenarnya Anda sudah tahu jawabannya, jangan terlalu “royal” untuk keluarkan ide Anda. Beri ruang untuk anak buah menunjukan bahwa mereka juga memiliki ide dan bisa berguna untuk team.

2) Tunjukan pada mereka, dalam hal tertentu, mereka lebih hebat dari pada Anda .
Ijinkan orang lain merasa nyaman, merasa “ada harganya”, merasa saling membutuhkan.
Misalnya, Anda secara pribadi mengatakan : “Wah, ketelitian kamu memang luar biasa, saya saja tidak bisa seteliti kamu lho…”

- Katakan hal ini secara personal, jangan secara kolektif
- Jangan lakukan hal ini terlalu sering
- Dalam hal tertentu, Anda harus tetap tunjukan bahwa sebagai atasan, Anda memiliki kompetensi diatas rata-rata mereka ( supaya tidak dicap ”bodoh” oleh bawahan )

3) Berikan penugasan pada orang yang tepat
Ada Manager tertentu yang sengaja memberikan tugas kepada anak buah yang memang tidak memiliki kompetensi untuk jalankan tugasnya. Tujuannya, selain ia ”happy” melihat orang lain terlihat gagal, ia juga sedang ”pamer diri” bahwa sesungguhnya si Manager lebih superior.
Pastikan, sebelum pendelegasian, anak buah Anda memahami ”goal” dari penugasan dan kemudian Anda harus pastikan, ia memiliki skill yang dibutuhkan. Apabila ia kurang trampil, ini adalah kesempatan untuk investasi pengaruh Anda kepada anak buah dengan cara melatih dia.

Tips Sebelum Penguasaan:
1. Pastikan anak buah sudah memahami tugasnya dengan benar. Caranya : suruh ia ulangi penjelasan Anda secara lengkap.
2. Sempatkan jadwal singkat untuk melatih ketrampilan tehnis yang anak buah butuhkan untuk selesaikan tugas-tugasnya
Ingat : Jika Anda tidak mau jadi ”Rambo”, dalam setiap penugasan, pastikan Anda lakukan 2 hal diatas
3. Bangun ”Keterbukaan” dalam komunikasi
Manager tipe ”Result Oriented” biasanya sangat tidak ”People-Oriented”. Bagi mereka, komunikasi adalah sesuatu yang bertele-tele dan buang waktu. Padahal, saat Anda berkomunikasi dengan dialog ( bukan monolog ), Anda sedang INVESTASI PENGARUH positif pada team Anda. Jika Anda ingin dibantu & dipedulikan oleh anak buah, Anda harus ”menabur” kepedulian terlebih dahulu dengan mereka.

1. Luangkan waktu 15 menit pertama dipagi hari dengan menyapa setiap anak buah Anda.
a. Anda boleh tanyakan hal-hal bersifat pribadi, seperti anak mereka ( jangan terlalu lama, 2 atau 3 menit sudah cukup )
b. Tanyakan juga apakah mereka ada kendala atau rintangan dalam menjalankan tugas mereka hari ini ( dan kalau ada kendala, janji waktu disiang hari untuk menolong mereka )
c. Lebih banyak mendengar, dari pada bicara. Sapa mereka dengan pertanyaan - pertanyaan seperti “Anakmu bagaimana kesehatannya?”, “Apakah kamu ada kesulitan yang tidak bisa kamu atasi?”, dsb

5) Latihlah mentalitas “Selalu Mengucap Syukur” dalam diri Anda maupun dalam team Anda

Selalu ingatkan diri Anda untuk selalu mengucap syukur kalau Anda memiliki karyawan yang luar biasa, anggota team yang baik, bahwa Anda memiliki pekerjaan yang luar biasa, bahwa Anda dikarunia kesehatannya yang prima, dsb.
Saat Anda memiliki kebiasaan mengucap syukur, maka Anda akan memiliki pola pikir positif didalam menghadapi para karyawan Anda. Saat Anda melatih para karyawan untuk memiliki mentalitas mengucap syukur, Anda akan menuai hasil dalam bentuk semangat kerja yang positif :

- Selalu ingatkan seluruh anggota team Anda bahwa ”Bekerja adalah Ibadah”. Lakukan ini dalam forum pertemuan atau rapat
- Secara personal atau kolektif, ingatkan kepada team Anda untuk berfokus pada ”apa yang telah kita terima dan miliki” dari Yang Maha Kuasa. Jangan selalu mengeluh dan hanya fokus pada apa yang tidak kita miliki.
Sekali lagi, sebagai Manager, saat Anda peduli pada anggota team Anda, maka mereka akan peduli terhadap berbagai beban kerja Anda.

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six notches Sell Boss With Idea To Successful

Many professionals and executives who actually has a lot of ideas or proposals are brilliant, but when presented to employers, are often rejected. The root of the problem is that many professionals who do not know how to communicate an idea or proposal is the right way. Below are the steps how to sell your ideas to get the YES answer from the boss.

1. Must address the needs of employers
Several questions must be submitted in your proposal are:

a. Does your proposal directly supports the goals your boss? Your boss will be very interested in the various proposals with the following characteristics:
- That increase profits for the purpose
- Who supported the budget that he collated (reduce costs and increase income)
- A parallel with the vision and mission
- That increase productivity for the department or the department which he headed
b. Does your proposal more "flavorful" for the sake of you, for your smoothness? (Eg so that the work is lighter, so you will not be difficult, so you do not bother. Etc. Remember! Human nature in general is not concerned with the interests of others, but very interested if brought in a profit for him. Similarly, your boss!

2. Do your homework
Before proposing or presenting at the boss, do the various preparations. Battle arena you are when you're dealing with superiors and presenting ideas. Therefore, do a variety of preparations before going to war, you prepare a variety of ammunition.

The format of the proposal that amaze your boss is as follows:

a. Recommendation
- Start with a summary or highlights of your proposal. Make highlighted that "eyecatching", which attracted the attention of superiors.
- For example: "Proposal savings of Rp. 5 million / month with an investment of only Rp. 1 million per month "

b. Background - A brief explanation of why this proposal is necessary

c. Fortunately Loss
- Explanation of what's in it for your boss when you run the proposed
- And what is the harm to your boss (not for you and your team) if this proposal is approved

d. Timetable.
- Describe when this plan should be started to run

e. Financial Impact
- How much cost
- Any other matters which run to practice, your proposal, for example: additional procedures, additional people, additional level of control

3. Prepare bullet
- Prepare a variety of answers when the boss refused (usually boss refused, because of your presentation is not comprehensive)
- Think about the variety of answers to questions with the format of "what-why-Pls-Nowhere WHO-why-how"

4. Find the right time to present your ideas
- Do not indiscriminate when presenting your proposal, such time dikoridor mediocre with a boss or having lunch together. Which statistic you are weak, if the boss asks a trick question.
- Once your time is well prepared and have an appropriate timetable to come to employer

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15 How To Buy From Trust Your Boss

By : Freddway.com

1. Have a caring attitude / willing to help employers

2. Always give fresh ideas and do not despair, if rejected, try a different way
3. Be a problems solver (not a problem REPORTER)
4. Do the calculations in working time
5. Do not reject if given the tasks that are not your job
6. Always actively involved in meetings
7. A must master data when asked
8. Not focus on negative things / lack of your boss
9. Give more (extra mile) from the requested
10. Always defended the interests of employers before the department / division
11. Do not argue directly! If it's not your fault, find the time to explain what you mean
12. Keep your facial expression in front of superiors when faced with an unexpected situation or dislike
13. Never say "Can not" or "Not Possible" when accepting a job! Your boss wants to see how far you are
struggling and trying!

14. In the initiative, ask ourselves to help your boss, when he faces problems
15. Others: build a relationship with a boss for example by having lunch together, send a useful article from the
internet to the boss, send sms motivation, etc..

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The Higher Achievement Easier So 'Jumping Flea'

You might often hear, and achievement of potential employees who behave psyllid as easily move from one company to another company who interested her? This apparently common phenomenon in this part of the working world Asia and the Pacific, not least in Indonesia.

Watson Wyatt, a human resources consultant in survey 2007/2008 Global Strategic Rewards concluded that companies in Indonesia to face problems in retaining employees of high achievers. Even this problem is higher than most other Asia Pacific countries that participated in the survey.

The same problem in the lower level also faced Indonesian companies in maintaining employee with special expertise and high-potential employees.

"Loss of high-achieving employees and employees with specialized skills is a problem that needs to be aware of Indonesias industry,"

Managing Consultant Watson Wyatt Lilis Halim warned.

Lilis exemplifies the oil and gas sector, which has happened a positive flow indication from Indonesia to other countries, for example, to Saudi Arabia, Malaysian and even Europe because bids more attractive remuneration packages.

"While in Indonesia renumerasinya package is still associated with the average domestic situation," added Lilis in his presentation to the media recently.

Another example is what happened in the banking sector, especially for workers with specialized skills. Survey results indicated Watson at the 2007 turnover rate for positions of importance, namely the managerial level and above in the banking industry reached 6.3% -7.5%, whereas in general the industry is only 0.1% -0.74%. Imagine, once njomplang not it?

In Indonesia, more Lilis, there is a different understanding between the perception of the company and the employees' perception of reasons for an employee to work. Companies consider the company's reputation is the most important thing, sdangkan employee considers most important reason is the nature of work itself. Two other things that are also considered important by the employees to join a company is the basic salary scale and career development opportunities. Ironically, these two things are not considered satisfactory by most employees in the country.

Another interesting thing found in a survey in Indonesia that overall salary increase budget which is owned by companies in Indonesia doubled the company in Asia Pacific, which is 10%, or greater than other countries in the Asia Pacific region which is only approximately 5%.
"Unfortunately, these conditions are not sufficient means for the employees," says Francine. from the survey revealed only 34% of employees who say that high-achieving employees a pay raise slightly larger, while 31% of employees while others said there was no difference in high-achieving employee salary increases with other employees.

Based on the findings of the survey, Watson Wyatt gave a number of recommendations to companies in Indonesia, namely to reward is offered to high achieving employees and employees with specialized skills always strived to be competitive to what the market offered.

"Salary is just one component in the remuneration package. To recruit and retain high achievers, a company must develop a holistic system of remuneration for managing compensation, benefits, work balance and career development programs, "explains Francine.

Interestingly, the balance of work (work / life balance) turns out to be a consideration for the employee to decide to join or leave the company. This working balance varied, for example the opportunity to do the work at home for the housewife, the day care for children, sports facilities, adequate kitchen up a special room for smoking for men.

Francine suggested that the company regularly communicates regularly remuneration package to its employees across the company to create a shared understanding between employee expectations and remuneration of the Company.

"Good communication from the company to employees about the remuneration package will have a positive impact for the attachment of employees or their desire to stay in one company," said Francine.

Global Strategic Rewards Survey is one of three surveys conducted macro Watson Wyatt. This survey includes the views of 947 companies from 22 countries ektor berbagais industry and includes opinions of more than 13,000 employees at various levels of positions. Watson Wyatt Survey Indonesias involving public companies (67%) and closed (33%). Industries include finance and insurance (47%) and 53% are spread to other manufacturing industries, oil and gas, real estate, telecommunications, transportation and housing consumers, etc..

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Office Romances - Find Love and Romance at Work

By :Richard Mudhar

The workplace is one of the places in the modern world where potential romantic partners can size each other up over a period of time before making a move.

In their book Office Mate: Your Employee Handbook for Romance on the Job authors Stephanie Losee and Helaine Olen outlined the advantages of the workplace for meeting up with a potential partner. In the past, people paired up in a community where singles had the luxury of time to get to know one another. Now people, particularly those that move away to college and then again in search of work may not have this background.

Many modern approaches to dating emphasise looks and style and demand a quick decision about investing more time in a possible pairing, trying to pattern-match one's ideal partner template in the space of a few minutes. Speed dating is all about first impressions and the initial spark, and dating agencies often demand a lot of self knowledge of their clients. There is little room for serendipity in finding a match that works, though it may not have been one's archetypal image of Mr./Mrs. Right

The Workplace as a Dating Pool
Curiously enough, the workplace does share many characteristics with the communities of old. People are in a reasonably stable grouping, and there is plenty of time to observe one's co-workers both under pressure of work, meeting challenges, and also when they let their hair down on after-work social events or Friday evening drinks.

For all that, looking for love at work is a topic frequently derided in popular culture, with many TV shows and movies showing the hazards of office romances. The downsides make good screenplay, of course – not only is there the risk of a broken heart, but also the risks of losing a career along with the romance. For all that, several studies cited by the authors of Office Mate indicated that more than half of office workers had had some sort of romantic liaison with someone else at work at one time or another. There are numerous success stories – Microsoft founder Bill Gates met his wife Melinda French while she was a product manager for Microsoft.

Some Dos and Don'ts or Looking For Love at the Office
The pros of finding romance among one's co-workers are mainly about the greater knowledge partners can have about each other, with plenty of time to size each other up. However, because work is of course about earning a living, the boundaries have to be respected. Some of the common dos and don'ts of office romances include

•Make sure that common interests cover more than just work.
•Socialise off company premises.
•Accept no for an answer gracefully and with dignity.
•Don't use company email for personal messages to a paramour – ever. It is too easy to give a hostage to fortune that way, and may email policies forbid it anyway. Google Claire Swire for more reasons why.
•Relationships between a boss and someone in their line are always complex, and at the earliest opportunity the senior partner should contact their line management so that they are not responsible for managing a romantic partner, with all the conflicts of interests that implies. Most companies have policies about how relationships between superiors and direct reports should be managed, which usually involve moving one of the partners so they are not in a direct reporting chain.

Finding Love at Work - Summary
The workplace is also a community, so it offers the dating pool of a community. However, it is firstly a workplace, so despite the unique advantages there are some hazards to office dating which need to be mitigated, to avoid falling into the traps stereotyped in TV sitcoms. A lot of people have formed a romantic relationship at work sometime – the studies cited in Office Mate indicate just under a half of office workers have been romantically involved with a co-worker at some time in their careers.

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Job seeking!

By : Jobseekeradvice.com

The Internet has made employment in the 21st century an activity that unifies all members of society, whether you have just left school, college, university, or are assessing other possible career pathways or opportunities, which are different to your current position.

These processes however can be time consuming, and the information the user gains can often be inappropriate, or too basic/specific in its findings, making it difficult to know for some users where to begin searching for jobs or career options.

The best way to counter-act this is to start choosing websites like doctorjobs.com, or Topjobs.com, which will help provide you with interesting and easy-on-the-eye job information, with career tips and links to other web sites concerning job searching. This will allow you to cover a broad, yet varied database of job information and actual job seeking, meaning you can become more specific in your pursuit of employment as time goes on, and you become more aware of the options open to you. If you are unsure and wish to seek advice, websites usually provide career guidance councillors online or ‘agony aunt’ services allowing any specific questions you have to be answered directly and promptly.

Users may also be interested in the networking possibilities the discussion group websites have, as a compliment to the job banks and resumes/CV databases most companies on the web offer. The Internet is also an excellent medium for finding out about job opportunities abroad (see our networking database on www.onrec.com for possible sites that may aid you in your search).

The main piece of information I have found useful is that when looking or researching possible vacancies or career options, try not to limit your ideas. Use as many different search engines as you can in order to see new websites you (and therefore other potential jobseekers) might not have heard of (www.google.com is a very good website to start with).

If you have a specific job or career in mind, try entering or looking for jobs specifically in these alternate search engines. You will be amazed at how many websites there are designed for your particular choices that you may have missed by looking at web pages which provide information on too general a scale. Websites also tend to offer precise company profiling and information that will prove useful in interviews or assessing its problems and benefits to you as a potential employee. Once you start to explore the wide range of possible websites and information created specifically for you in mind, you will be able to find it an unconventional, efficient, and cost effective means of job researching.

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7 Mistakes In Pursuing Career

By : Jawaban.com

Although each assignment from the boss managed to do well, but the signs of getting a promotion did not come. Maybe the error does not only exist in your position, but also work environment factors. If the career path you wish to pursue this, then you need to be alert a few things that could be a stumbling block to the following:
Rata Penuh
All Entered into Liver
Not everyone is fortunate to work in an ideal environment. Often we must deal with a lazy co-worker or boss who is talkative. To be "pebbles" that does not interfere with our performance, upsetting all the things that do not inserted into the liver. Stay focused on goals and do not let that interfere with concentration.

Asking Less
A new reporter at a reputable newspaper share tips on success, "My friends in the new office I was never taught me how to form the good journalists. Finally in my office that many questions and gain knowledge of the seniors, "he said. So if your feeling "alone" in working on a task from your boss, do not hesitate to ask questions and do not be afraid to ask for clarification if the answers provided are unsatisfactory. Origin of you know, the bosses would have preferred to be asked questions rather than having to correct mistakes.

Do not Hidden
Presentations that you do get a positive appreciation of the client? Or you managed to reach certain achievements outside of work? Do not hide, to report to his superiors to let them know the potential you have.

Too Perfectionists
Being a perfectionist is not a sin, but you do not have to do when it comes to sacrificing jobs. For example, because it does not want to have typographical errors in the proposal, you are to do a check over and over again so another job unfinished.

Fear of Negotiation
Common error made female employees in the workplace is not dare to negotiate. Many employees are feeling afraid to express anything but that for its own sake. Want to apply for a leave of absence, up positions, an increase of salary, or working on an assignment from the boss? Do not give in to bid.

Caught In the Administrative Tasks
Are over the years revolves around your job just answering the phone, managing archives and records incoming messages? If yes, then you are far away from a dream to achieve a higher career. Now it's time for you to find more challenges with other tasks that highlight the capabilities and hone your potential. Do it now.

Always Looking to the Top
In order to pursue careers of course we have to work a maximum so that we properly assess your boss. But you should not forget your colleagues, namely a team of friends. There lho employees are willing to claim a project as an actual accomplishments meskipu it is hard work a team. Lest they wanted to please his superiors, we are sacrificing friends.

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Resign? Create a Good Impression

By : Perempuan.com

It was not easy to decide to change jobs, let alone long enough you've worked in the firm. But if you want to make changes that better, let alone any chance to it, so it does no harm to you to try. Because precious opportunity will not come twice.

Problems will arise, if you've received at the new company but are still bound in the old company. To react to it, you should see some steps under this.

If you are otherwise acceptable and must be signed to a new place next month, you should immediately talk to your supervisor. Letting you move suddenly not a wise stance. Because it is possible your position must be immediately replaced by someone new. So that early notification allows the company to search for your replacement.

Discuss this with your boss. Do not forget to mention the reason you move before the boss asked. Honestly disclose the reason the move was the best thing you should do. Just tell me if you get 'chances and opportunities' and a better chance in accordance with your interests, of course, without intending to belittle your company who will be left behind.

Leave a good impression. Do not ever leave the impression that you are moving for reasons that are personal and subjective. If you say plainly and openly, as a professional supervisor of course he'll understand you. Remember to say thank you to the boss you, the job opportunities they have given you so far. At the same time convey your apology if there may be mistakes that you do.

Then if you've told the boss, you can tell to your friends. Tell your close friends first. Next maybe the boss is you who will move to announce or notify you to all your colleagues.

It's understandable if you feel embarrassed, hesitant and uncomfortable to disclose your relocation decision. Especially if you feel have been friends a fun and friendly work, the attention of superiors and friendly environment. But if you follow those feelings, you'll be getting covered by a sense of dualism between the move and not be moved.

Convince yourself that the decision to move was already made up. Do not imagine the bad things in a new place. Be assured that you can enjoy a job in a new place and get new friends is also fun.

When the last moment in office was long moments where you become the focus of your colleagues, because they thought for a bit longer will not see your figure. To leave the impression that the 'best' in the eyes of peers and your superiors. Complete all tasks that become your responsibility perfectly. Do not until you leave the work unfinished when you exit from these companies.

Clear all files and documents you work neatly. Tell your boss that all documents and files you work already well collated on your desk. Sort what you should bring and what should you leave. Do not leave personal papers such as your resume to a new company, photograph, book diaries, letters, or anything that there is no point you left off.

Try your simple farewell forged with colleagues in order to become beautiful memories between you and your colleagues. Although the move to work, it does not mean you can not establish good relations with them you know. Remain in a relationship with them and continue to build good links.

FlexibilityRata Penuhility is key and your knowledge of the changes you have done. Boldness and willingness to learn new things is very important to quickly adapt to new job in place. Best wishes.

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What To Wear At The Job Interview

By : Patrik Karlsson

To dress correctly is very important when going to a job interview. Chances are that the employer, who is interviewing you, does not see the qualification you have, because of the outfit you are wearing. It can be everything as a bad bar of shoes or just cloth that is dirty. Generally speaking, please choose a simple but formal attire and make sure that the outfit you are wearing is clean and you shoes are polish.

A few words about Hygiene:
To look clean and fresh is also very important! However, do not put on too much make-up or perfume before going to the interview. Use this kind of products lightly. It is mush safer that way, because if you have put on allot of perfume on yourself, and the interviewer has asthma or are allergic to perfume, you will have some serious trouble of getting the job. So, please avoid it.
Another thing to consider is your hare. You should fix your hair so that you will look professional. For woman, it is best if the hair is properly comb

So what should you wear if you are women?
To be more specific, you should follow this advice:

1. Skirted suits. A two piece matched light colour suit is the safest choice for women
2. Limited jewellery such as one wedding ring
3. Briefcase
4. Ideal footwear to wear is the shoes
5. Conservative watch

Things you should not ware as a woman:

1. Gaudy jewellery
2. Tongue or nose jewellery
3. Pantsuits (considered being unprofessional and outdated)

Now, let talk about what men should wear:

1. Decent suit
2. Tie and a long sleeve shirt
3. Dark shoes which you have polished
4. A pair of matching socks.

Things you should avoid to wear as a man:

1. Bow ties
2. Earrings or tongue/nose jewellery.

Most of this thing is quite obviously for most of us and If you follow this advice, your chance of getting the job will increase. However, there are a couple of things that I have not mentioned yet. That is that you should check the dress code of the company that you are going to have an interview with, before actually going to the interview.
Let us say your are having an interview. The job is about being a carpenter. Then, wearing a black Armani suit, want do you any favour. To avoid this kind of mistake, it is much easier to call the company and ask them about the dress code.
Still, the hygiene is important, no matter what kind of job you are searching for.
I hope this article will help you on the way for a successfully job interview.

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Beware of Bad Boss Part 3

It’s surprising but true: some bosses don’t know how to be bosses. They might know their field well, but they don’t know how to work with and manage other people—and it can be a particular problem in technology fields.

Seidman says that this scenario is not unusual and suggests that many people with introverted personalities tend to be drawn to technology-related work in the first place. On top of that, they might never have received training or practice managing people, especially if their technical skills moved them up quickly in their company or organization.

“They came out of school, they were smart, they won awards, they came into companies, they worked their tails off, they got promoted, and their whole lives they’ve always been recognized for their abilities, for their skills,” Seidman says. “But all of a sudden they have to be able to talk to people, to manage people and to evaluate people. In some cases, they just don’t know how to do it.”

“They’re not dumb,” Seidman recognizes, “but just because you’re good at one thing doesn’t mean you’re good at another. In today’s world, you’ve got to be an expert and you’ve got to be a good manager.”

Christine Wilson says that discovering your boss doesn’t know how to be one can be particularly confusing if it happens to you right out of school, when you don’t have a lot of on-the-job experience and confidence yet yourself. “As a new employee, you go in thinking that your boss is supposed to know what to do, and they don’t.” Wilson says she consulted once with a boss who felt frustrated because his employees weren’t giving him reports on what they had been working on each day. She asked if he had simply ever asked them to do this, and he admitted, “No, I never have.”

In cases where your boss isn’t doing—or isn’t able to do—something that seems obvious, Wilson says it might help to accept your boss’s style (or the lack thereof) and learn to work around it.

“Figure out how the boss ticks,” she says. “Ask the boss periodically whether there’s anything else you can be doing. In this world of 24/7, it’s probably also useful to ask your boss what kind of reporting they want from you.” Bosses might not want you to talk to them in person everyday but would appreciate a quick email summary. On the other hand, they might only want to hear when you’ve finished a major project, not in-between. Adapt as much as you can to their style.

“You can’t usually change your boss’s behavior. You can only change yours to deal with what’s there,” says Wilson.

Other Advice
Bad bosses are out there, but some conflicts can be avoided before they occur. Be careful, says Christine Wilson, of “complaining too much about your boss” to people who seem sympathetic but may not be.

“We live in a world where what we’d like to do is blame the boss,” Wilson says, but going too far and seeming like a “malcontent” can damage your career. It’s also important to keep in mind the possibility that your boss might not simply be “bad,” but that “you haven’t figured out how the two of you click.”

One way to prevent or minimize problems is to be absolutely clear about what your boss’s expectations are at the beginning, when you’re starting a new job or project. “I’m a great believer that a person being given a task should take notes and make sure to feedback to the boss what your understanding was.

That gives clarity and confidence that this is what happened at that time.”

When measures like taking notes, trying to adapt to your boss’s style and other methods aren’t enough though, it can be tempting to head out the door.

But what if you can’t leave or if it’s not a wise career move?

“It’s a large problem if you clash with your boss on your first job—you need that reference!” says Joyce Lain Kennedy. “So do your best to grin and bear it until you can escape, then be classy about it. Look as good going away as you did coming in.”

“You might also be learning a great deal despite that awful boss,” says Wilson, who adds that it might just be a matter of hanging in there until you get everything that you can out of the job. For example, says Wilson, “you can just become tougher by noticing that your boss yells at everybody, not just you.”

“Dot every ‘i’ and cross every ‘t’ while you’re looking for the next job,” Wilson says. “You manage your boss by managing yourself.”

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Beware of Bad Boss Part 2

Boss favoritism creates unfair and uncomfortable situations, but again the way to deal with it involves documentation, says Johnson. Keep an eye on company policies that your boss is violating or overlooking, and be ready with specifics if you ever need to defend yourself or raise the subject with someone higher up. “If you sit back and do nothing about it,” Johnson says, a boss’s favoritism toward another employee “can reflect badly on you.”

Cara’s boss never lost her temper, but she had unrealistic expectations.

“No matter what I did, it was never enough for my first boss,” she said. “She didn’t realize how many things I had become responsible for in the first year since I’d been hired.”

The Unreasonable Boss
A close relative of the boss who goes berserk is the boss who has expectations that range from unreasonable to impossible—and this is another case where documentation comes in handy.

“Some bosses see the whole picture, but they don’t see all the details,” says Johnson. “You have to show them.”

To deal with a boss whose expectations are unrealistic, Johnson advises making a work study. That is, make a list of what you work on and for how long, over a period of a few days that are representative of your typical work load. “Then you take your work study and say, ‘Look, I’m concerned about not being able to get the job done. Maybe you can help me.’”

The trick is in having the records to back up what you’re saying. “You’ve got to document your efforts to get relief,” Johnson says. Once you do that and make your boss aware of everything that is coming across your desk, the ball is in his or her court. When your boss has a better understanding of what you’re contributing, you might get yourself some relief, Johnson says, and you might even get something more. You might get greater recognition, and Johnson even knows of employees who have been given a raise after making it clear how much they were doing.

In some cases your boss might expect too much of you and your coworkers without meaning any harm, but Johnson cautions against a similar type of boss that he calls the “finger-pointer.”

“That boss doesn’t say, ‘What happened?’ They say, ‘Who did it?’” They typically look for someone to blame, instead of concentrating on fixing the problem.

If you’re a scapegoat for this type of boss, Johnson advises paying particular attention to whatever performance reviews you might get. If your boss is taking something out on you in a written evaluation, Johnson advises against signing it. “Ask for another performance review. If you don’t do that, it can become a part of your record.” Once again, the key to your credibility—and the ability to make a case to others, if necessary—will likely be your ability to document the contribution you’re making.

The Inexperienced Boss
“I thought my boss was actually afraid of me,” said Mike, who took a job with a software start-up company after graduating. “He seemed like a nice enough guy, and I never really noticed anything odd during the job interviews. But after I’d worked there awhile, I realized that he never said much during meetings or in person. But then he would send me these emails, sometimes ‘yelling’ at me and other people who worked under him for things that we never even knew about. It was especially bad because things would kind of bottleneck around this boss, and then all of a sudden everybody would get emails from him about things that needed to be done yesterday.”

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Beware of Bad Boss Part 1

By : Chris Ott

If you’ve never had a bad boss, count yourself lucky. Bosses who lose their temper, play favorites or can’t communicate—and that’s just a start on the list of managerial misbehavior—can make going in to work annoying, humiliating and infuriating. And, unless you’re independently wealthy, you’re probably not in a position to tell your boss to take this job and shove it. What can you do if you get a boss who’s the biggest obstacle to doing—and enjoying—your job?

“Becoming aware that this is a problem is the first step,” says Christine Wilson, an independent career coach in New York City. If you do get stuck with a lousy boss, you’ll need a strategy for dealing with the things that your boss does—or doesn’t do—that drive you crazy.

But who are these bad bosses that might turn your life into a Dilbert strip? There are a few common types—but also a few common-sense ways of handling them.

The Micro-Managing Boss
While some bosses expect too much (see the Unreasonable Boss), it can also be a problem when bosses expect too little. That is, some don’t expect much independence or initiative because they don’t leave room for it. Instead of delegating, a micro-managing boss gets involved in your work to the point of getting in your way.

Whether your boss is delegationally challenged—or whether it’s just that a lot is riding on your work and the boss wants to be sure you can handle it—Joyce Lain Kennedy, author of Resumes for Dummies (3rd Edition) and a syndicated career columnist, says the solution is the same.

“Ask for a time when you can discuss the best ways to improve your contribution,” Kennedy says. “Be deferential, not ready for a fight.”

She suggests saying something like, “I think I can better support your efforts if I clearly understand the outcome you expect, and I would benefit from knowing more about your experience or preferred ways of working.” Then tell your boss that you will report back on a regular basis to receive feedback on your progress, explaining: “The more you have reason to trust my performance, the more time you’ll have to pursue other important matters.”

If you approach it like this, “the boss will get the drift,” Kennedy says. “Each time you receive a new assignment, do a mental checklist of desired outcomes, performance expected, land mines to avoid, resources available and deadlines. Then obtain confirmation from your boss that your understanding of the assignment agrees with how she sees it.” After going through this process a few times, Kennedy says, “trust will build and you’ll have fewer empowerment issues to ruin your day.”

Bettina Seidman, a career management coach in Manhattan who works with individuals and groups, advises that micro-managing bosses can be a particular problem in technology fields. “This is work that requires linear thinking,” she says, “and sometimes the people who do it best are the detail-oriented people, not the big picture people. It’s a fundamental dilemma.” Seidman offers some additional advice for dealing with this type of boss.

“If you’re new to a company, it’s important to wait a little bit and get a sense of the company culture,” she says. What you perceive as micro-management might simply be the way things work. It might also be that your boss—or the whole organization—is particularly stressed, and that you’ll be trusted more when a particular deadline has been met. It might even be that your boss is forced to micro-manage you in order to satisfy the demands of a micro-managing boss who’s higher up the ladder.

“Success requires a certain understanding of what’s going on around you,” says Seidman, who suggests asking around—tactfully—to see if others perceive your boss the same way you do. You’ll get a better sense of what’s going on overall, and you might find some allies.

“If everybody’s feeling the same way, then maybe two people can ask for a meeting with the manager and put together a discussion plan in advance.” One way to do it, Seidman suggests, is not to talk about micro-management as such, but to provide examples of things that have affected your ability to get your work done.

What you don’t want to do is simply charge into your boss’s office one day and announce, “I’m having a problem with the way we work together,” says Seidman. “How you present yourself, and the timing, are critical.”

The Ballistic Boss

Steve* knew his boss had a temper—he just didn’t know how bad it was until he ended up in the line of fire.

“A project that my team was working on had a number of delays, and one of them involved something that I was responsible for,” he says. “The pressure was on, and we were all putting in long hours to catch up. But in the middle of that, my boss called me into his office, and with the door wide open, he started yelling about the delay, about how much it was costing, and about how it was making him look bad. Anyone in that whole corner of the building could easily hear.

“It was so ridiculous. I was doing everything I could, and yet he lost his temper and acted as if I was doing something to personally offend him. And of course, he would rarely thank or congratulate us for the things we’d done well.”

Dealing with a berserk boss is bad under any circumstances, but it’s even worse when you haven’t done anything wrong. How should you respond?

“When your boss treats you like an amoeba, the very best response in 99% of cases is not to react,” says Joyce Lain Kennedy. “Acknowledge that you heard the diatribe—‘I understand. Thank you for the information.’—but don’t allow your face to get bent out of shape and don’t mouth off. Go home and sleep on it.

“No one does his best thinking on an adrenaline rush. You’ll have more power and better strategy the next day when the shock has worn off.” If nothing else, Kennedy says, if you do end up getting into a shouting match even after trying to cool down, “you’ll have had time to think of better counter punches.”

At times, however, you might not have the option of a temporary retreat. If your boss calls you out on the mat in the middle of a meeting, for example, you might need to respond right then and there.

“When your boss is having a bad temper day and you must answer in detail, keep your voice low and your delivery slow,” Kennedy says. “Speaking in moderate tones makes you seem like the adult and the belligerent boss like the child.”

Looking more mature than your boss might impress your coworkers, but that might not be enough if the problem continues. If your boss is doing something that’s unreasonable or unprofessional, Gerald Johnson, the author of Bad Bosses, Bad Jobs, Fight Back!, advises talking to the boss about it in private.

“Go to your boss and say, ’If you need to talk to me about something like this, can you do it in private?’” At the same time, however, Johnson says it’s important to document your efforts to get your boss to behave more professionally. Keep a record with a brief description of what you said and when, and what your boss’s response was. If your boss repeatedly blows up at you even after agreeing not to, a paper trail will come in handy if you have to take your complaint to the next level: your boss’s boss.

“More than likely that boss will come in and will actually solve the problem for you. They don’t like to lose good people, because it will cost them money to hire and train someone else,” Johnson says. If your boss already has a reputation for blowing up, the records that you’ve kept can become a part of helping to do something about it. If nothing else, showing that you’ve tried to solve the problem yourself, before you took it to anyone else, makes it clear that you’re not just a complainer and can boost your credibility.

A variation on the ballistic boss is the boss who only goes ballistic with certain people. Meanwhile, a “pet” of the boss might be allowed to get away with more and expected to do less.

“The fundamentals of being a good boss are respectful treatment and a concern for fairness in the workplace,” says Johnson. Not getting that, he says, is one of the most common complaints that people have about jobs, even more than pay. “It’s one of the things that gets people most upset.” Favoritism can happen at all levels, Johnson says, “and it really does hurt people.”