By : Dawn Hawkins
It Pays to Know What's on Your Credit Report
The last thing that most people think about when they are job searching is to check their credit report. What does a credit report have to do with getting a job anyway? In today's world, your credit report has
everything to do with your job search. Most companies now run background checks and if there are blemishes of any kind on yours, it could cause you to lose the chance at the job you want.
Here are some of the reasons that you should check your credit score before you start your job search:
Mistakes- There could be serious errors in your credit report that bring the credit rating down. Check your credit score before you go on the job search even if you think that your score is fine. One error can make the difference between getting the job and losing the prospect. If there is an error, you need to get it corrected before you agree to a credit check through a potential employer.
Judgments/Liens- The worst thing that you can have on your credit report when you are job searching is a judgment or a lien. These two things can wreak havoc on your job search. If you have or possibly have either of these marks on your credit report, make sure that you take care of them before you go on the hunt for a new job. Although you may be able to find a job if you missed a payment on a bill one time, it isn't likely you will get the job if there is a judgment or a lien.
Assurance- Checking your credit report before you go on the job search will help assure that everything is in order before you try to land the job you want. No matter how good you think your credit is, there could be something there that will stop you from getting the job you want. Employers are looking to see if you owe a lot of money that you have had a hard time paying. It helps weed out possible thieves who steal to pay their bills, for instance. It is important that you check your credit score before heading out on the job market to make sure that you know exactly what you are up against when you try to get the job.
It may seem to you that checking your credit score is the last thing you should do before starting your job search. The truth is, if you don't check your
credit score first, you could be in for a huge surprise when you are looking for a job. More and more businesses are finding that checking a potential employees credit score is a good way to eliminate possible problems after hire when it is harder to get rid of someone. That coupled with a background check can cripple your chances of landing the job that you are searching for. Don't take the chance. You can get a free credit report once a year so you may as well put it to good use.
Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia
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