Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Power of Gratitude

By Daniel Leighly

Gratitude is the use of the Power of Thought in a way that will put you in Harmony with the Energy of the Universe. The same way that there is a Law Of Attraction, there is a Law Of Gratitude. You must learn to use this Law in order for The Law Of Attraction to work.

The Law Of Gratitude works this way. When you give thanks or praise for the things you already have, you make way for more to come to you because you are thankful. The Law Of Gratitude is a Natural Law and will always respond in a Like Nature. Remember Reaction and Action are always equal. The response you receive will be the same as you send out.

What this means is the Universe will give you more of the good things you deserve because you are thankful for all the good things you already have. As you give thanks for what you have, you are saying that you are happy and pleased with what you have attained thus far. You appreciate the better things in life, and want and deserve more. The Energy of the Universe will comply with this, bringing more of the better things into existence.

You want the best in life; the best that life has to offer. Think these thoughts in your mind, and feel the best feelings that you can feel. See yourself with the best; the best of everything and that is what The Law Of Attraction and The Law Of Gratitude will produce.

Be Grateful for everything good that comes into your life, and more will come into your life as well. Be thankful every time you get a chance throughout your day. Expect the best; expect good things, and you will receive the best and more good things. Showing Gratitude will bring more things into your life to be Grateful for. Where is your future heading? If you really take the time to answer this question, you will find that your future is within you. Within You, is the Power and Energy to change your Destiny.

Everything you see and touch, everything surrounding you, from the air you breathe, the food you eat, to the sun you feel on your skin, is made up of Energy. Think of the Love you feel when you hold a hand. Think of the way you feel when you kiss a child. The deep inner emotions and feelings that drive our consciousness. This is your Life; this is created by your thoughts, your energy.

Imagine what it would be like if you looked out on the vast ocean and didn't see any water. Now think about how you would feel if you never saw a star. What would the world be like if there was no music? What if tomorrow all the trees were gone, every blade of grass, and every plant and flower dried up and blew away.

What would the world look like then? How would a future artist ever paint a landscape? Where would we be if there were no animals? What would you eat if there were no fruits and vegetables? How many salads can you make with dirt?

We take for granted this world, this life, and this wonderful place where we live. God planned it all, every last grain of sand. Every plant and every animal, every fish and every seed, and He did it with His Mind, with His Thoughts, with His Intentions. Be Grateful. Start using the Energy. Start right now! Think of the future you want to have. Visualize and Picture it in your mind. Start feeling good about it, and know that it is yours. Know that you deserve it. Know that the Universe will Create it for you in Abundance.

Dr. Daniel W. Leighly Msc.D


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