Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Imagine With Me, Will You?

By Karen Fagan

Imagine with me, will you? Close your eyes in this moment and fully imagine your life free from all that blocks you: negative thoughts, self-sabotage, overwhelm, worry, and self-doubt.

Who would you be and what would do (confident, happy, blissful, really successful)?

Breathe this in deeply. My sense is this picture feels really great to you.

You see, in my life's passion, I have the privilege of coaching women entrepreneurs to make profound lasting change and be free from negative thoughts and behaviors that seriously hold them back and keep them stuck in their life and business.

This brings serious success and takes you to a much higher level (it's very exciting).

When you make such powerful changes in your life like letting go of behaviors that do not serve you for good, you will instantly feel amazing in your skin and will finally absorb every morsel of your inner value. Making these changes will empower you to ask for what you need and want verses ignoring your needs or dismissing them.

When you completely let go of procrastination and lack, and spark your inner passion and purpose, you build self-confidence and live empowered. You give yourself permission to do exactly what you want in your business, you take bigger risks and get crystal clear on your value, worth and what you offer.

You will notice money flowing into your life and you can finally do all the things you have been dreaming about. The extra weight melts off your body and you feel freedom in your body. Your relationships have much more intimacy in them.

This week's personal growth exercise (fun & powerful): You must let go of the things that do not serve you and your purpose in order to receive the abundance you deserve.

   1. Make a list of 25 ways you self-sabotage, self-criticize and doubt yourself.
   2. Make a list of 100 ways your life would be better if you did away with these behaviors.
   3. I want you to really think about this and come up with 100 ways your life would instantly improve as a result of ending the negative thoughts and behaviors for good.

There is NO better time than right NOW to live empowered!


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