Thursday, August 12, 2010

Anyone Can Become a Leader

By : Vanessa Renee

Consistently showing strong leadership characteristics in the work place is an essential part of standing out at your office, and can lead to you being entrusted with additional responsibility and promotions. Some people are naturally designed to lead, while others have to work at cultivating their leadership abilities. It is possible for nearly anybody to hone their leadership skills with time and practice.

There are two primary roles for a leader. Leaders need to be able to instruct others, and they also need to be able to distribute tasks based on capability. The strong leader must not only teach, but also counsel his charges, empowering them to take on new tasks and responsibilities.

Provided are 3 points to keep in mind as you develop your leadership skills.

1. Strong leaders must know their teammates and employees, and understand their skills and abilities before they can use each person to the company's best advantage. Getting to know employees on an individual level helps a leader identify how to motivate, encourage, and train his charges. It is also important to identify the weaknesses your team faces, and do what you can to mitigate those challenges.

In order to effectively lead others, you should consistently provide guidance and encouragement. If the team is confident that you are there to encourage them and lead them to success, the will work had to achieve goals, and feel comfortable coming to you for help.

2. Strong leaders must set benchmarks, and be dedicated to reaching them. The head of a group must set the vision for the group, and then use his or her understanding of the group's abilities to formulate a plan to reach that goal. A team leader does not have to identify the team's vision alone, and you may find that by involving the team in creating your group goals, they may be more excited about working toward and achieving the goals.

Being accountable to someone outside of the group may increase your likelihood of reaching group goals. It is a good idea to share your goals with people outside of your team unit in order to increase dedication to the benchmarks at hand.

3. Embrace who you are: know your own weaknesses and strengths. Be decisive when necessary, compassionate where appropriate, and consistent in all you do. Being identified as a genuine individual, and being seen as being comfortable with your leadership role is sends a strong message to your team. They learn they can count on you, and their trust in your leadership will multiply.

In order to become a great leader, it is necessarily to continuously aim for self improvement. You can do this by assessing your progress periodically, and also take worthwhile chances that can lead to teambuilding experiences. Seize new opportunities for leadership, and be receptive to comments or criticism from your teammates, your superiors, and your competition in order to achieve success.

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