This position reports the Vice President, Operations of Pacific Healthcare Holdings Limited (“PacHealth”) and is responsible for the overall management of Pacific Heathcare@The PLAZA (“PHP”) including its organization, operations, financial performance, staffing and staff development, quality improvement initiatives, contractual obligations to third parties, along with PHP’s future business growth and development. This position is also responsible for interactions with outside organizations on behalf of Plaza including PHP’s customers, all regulatory agencies, outside vendors, and suppliers.
This position requires someone with a relevant Degree at a reputable academic institution with at least five (5) years of experience in clinic management as well as someone experienced in the growth and development of a healthcare company / clinic in Jarkata, Indonesia. Knowledge of, and familiarity with, both the private and public health care markets and the ability to apply that knowledge to accomplish PHP’s objectives is essential for this position.
Specific Responsibilities
Organization & Operations:
* Responsible for the development of PHP’s annual business plan and budgets (operational and capital) for presentation to and approval by PacHealth;
* Responsible for managing PHP’s daily operations in line with the business plan and budgets;
* Responsible for ensuring that PHP’s managerial infrastructure (including policies and procedures, staffing rosters, human resource programs, quality enhancement programs, etc) are developed and maintained at a level to ensure achievement of business plan objectives
* Work closely with a Financial Supervisor from PacHealth;
* Responsible for overseeing the financial operations of PHP to ensure they remain in line with the annual budgets;
* Oversees the preparation, analysis and presentation of regular financial reports to PacHealth;
* Oversees the preparation and implementation of corrective actions (if Necessary) to address variances to the business plan and budgets;
* Responsible for ensuring the financial projections for new business developments and marketing initiaitives are constructed with the best possible operational assumptions.
Business Development:
* Responsible for the establishment of annual business growth targets for consideration and approval by PacHealth;
* Work with PacHealth’s Marketing Team on the following:-
-PHP’s marketing program
-PHP;s new business development program
* Responsible for making regular reports to PacHealth on the progress of the marketing and new business development programs;
* Responsible for interactions with governmental organizations and other potential customer groups to maximize PHP’s exposure to new business opportunities
Job Career
Customer Satisfaction & Quality Enhancement:
* Responsible for the development and operation of PHP’s customer satisfaction measurement program and for regular updates to PacHealth on the program’s progress;
* Responsible for the development and operation of PHP’s quality enhancement and quality measurement programs and for regular updates to Parkway on their progress;
* Co-ordinate with the Laboratory Manager who is responsible for the implementation of the Quality System in the laboratory in preparation for a QC assessment in the future.
Human Resource:
* Responsible for the development and implementation of PHP’s human resource programs in accordance with Indonesian Labor Laws, including:
-Staffing roster and job descriptions
-Compensation programs
* Recruitment, hiring and orientation of staff along with ongoing staff education and development programs;
Other Responsibilities:
Any other reasonable duties required to ensure PHP is successful in meeting its business objectives as may be consulted & assigned from time to time by Board of Directors.
Interested applicants, please kindly forward your resume to :